Tag: Artificial General Intelligence
Hoarding my thoughts: the end may not be happy this time
Hello everyone, I’m Francisco Lima here at the keyboard. Today, I am bringing a subject that is not totally new to you who have been reading my posts. But because it is so important, I will deepen into it some more. My hope is that this can elicit ideas and actions that are so much…
A Call for Collective Responsibility and Human Humbleness
Hello everyone, I’m Francisco Lima here at the keyboard. I again address my fellow homo sapiens friends by saying: “Farewell Homo Sapiens. The Digital AI Era is Here”. I do not say this as means of spreading fear. Very much in the contrary, I say this as means of celebrating a new era of human…
OpenAI has just marked the twilight of the Homo sapiens era by introducing ChatGPT and heralded the dawn emergence of a new era of Homo technologicus by paving the way to a Human-Machine Interconnectedness.
Hello everyone, I’m Francisco Lima here at the keyboard. Today, I will talk a little bit more about this transitional moment of AI digital era and homo sapiens we are now. If you like this topic, have concerns about AI or want to learn more about it, please let me know. Abruptly, humanity awoke and…